Thursday, 20 March 2008

IPM 2008 - MCPs in Macedonia

Hi Everyone

So this is my first post after arriving in the office a little over a month ago. Its been really exciting seeing Kate's team work and experiencing life in the MC office everyday. Out of all the offices I've worked in, in my life, this is most definitely my favourite!!!!

But, the coolest thing which I have had the pleasure of doing so far in my role as MCPe, is to attend International Presidents Meeting 2008 (IPM), in the Republic of Macedonia.

IPM is a meeting of all the MCPs and MCP elects from AIESEC's network, which equates to over 200 of the best and brightest minds from AIESEC around the world. This conference is unique in AIESEC's calendar because here is where we elect the new AI team, devise our global focus areas and plan as Growth Networks for our activities in the next year.

IPM 08 was the 3rd International Conference which I have had the privilidge to attend and it was by far the best conference I have EVER attended. I want to share with you just a couple of things that made it so incredibly special.

Firstly, I got to meet my fellow MCPs. The people I will be working with over my term in 0809. I didn't just get to meet with them, but I had to work closely with them in deciding the future direction of AIESEC. It was amazing to be sitting with people from all over the world, people who come from vastly different social, economic and political backgrounds and discuss how AIESEC was going to change the world. It was inspiring to see how smart, connected and passionate people from our organisation are, right around the world.

Secondly, I was able to start thinking about AIESEC in Australia and what we should be doing in 2008-2009. Attending IPM reconnected me with the global planery and allowed me to understand all the cool things which we happening in AIESEC throughout the world. It really showed me how much Australia can contribute to AIESEC globally and how much the work we do has an impact in the world. Definitely a good way to start my visioning process.

Oh, and visiting Macedonia was pretty awesome as well. Perhaps I'll write another post to showcase the Republic of Macedonia!!


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