Wednesday, 12 September 2007


Good morning everyone!

It's the first day of many that is in read-only mode, an annoying frustrating time for us all. I logged in to ready to make a posting, before realising that I couldn't. *sigh*

With the IC guys back we're pushing towards preparing ourselves and our sessions for September Presidents Meeting, which is 24 September to 28 September. Before that, there is State Manager Transition on 21 September to 23 September. This is the conference that all the newly elected LCPs and SMs get together with the outgoing ones. The newly elected LCPs and SMs are all given training on AIESEC and leadership and management skills and knowledge. The outgoing LCPs and SMs have their years wrapped up, and they are taken through a process which helps them conclude on their next steps in AIESEC, or futures outside.

What else has been happening? Well we have come back from IC with a lot of opportunities with exchange partnerships that are well worth promoting! I was sitting in the IC bring-back meeting and I was astounded at the cool opportunities that are our there for our members. Particularly for me, as VPTM, I love having opportunities to promote! It means development, which means we're delivering on our promise!

OK, so I've wasted a good 10 minutes on this... I better get back to work before BO$$MAMA notices I'm stuffing around. =P

Take care!

- Daz

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