Wednesday, 8 August 2007

The LCD's are going crazy!

Ok so it is 6.23pm and we are in the office finishing some things off.

I am unfortunately doing Uni work (trying to get a few things donw prior to going to IC - not being very successful though) and while I am working quietly (the ER Cell are so the good ones of the office) all I hear is the loudest, most off tune singing possible from the LCD office.

Oh how I love having the LCD's back from SnA :-P

So I would like to take a poll. What is the best way to keep LCD's quiet...
a. Ear plugs
b. Take away their speakers
c. Ship them all to WA (its the furthest away from Syd).

Advice and help to get away from these crazy people is greatly appreciated!!!! :-P hehehehe

Make your vote here :-)


Samuel Chan said...

Well... I guess if u really want to send someone out, u should send them out even further? I guess Mars or Venus will be better :P

You can't actually avoid music... but I'm supporting both sides... 1. I don't hope Daz being kicked out, 2. I like Avril Lavigne's song !!!

So I'm not going to make any decision on this matter...

Laura Allen said...


The best way to keep LCD's quiet...
a. Ear plugs - It doesn't keep them quiet...!
b. Take away their speakers - not severe enough!
c. Ship them all to WA - definately a GREAT IDEA...just make them pay for the flights themselves! :P

And for the best plan....

D) Ship them to SA and we'll put them in CEED roles where they get paid more then the MC wage...and we'll appreciate their signing. MUCH BETTER IDEA! :)

Jake said...

Hey Anne

How about you record them singing, then play it back to them.

I don't know, early in the morning to get Luce up or something.



dmwil6 said...


Laura I like your idea - send us to SA! More ca$h!!! Bling what Avril song are you talking about?

- Daz

Samuel Chan said...

What Avril song? Isn't that either Anne or Elo playing that in the office?

Recently I like "When you're gone" from her new album :P