Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Australian domination


It is with great pride that I announce Kristina Toms, our beloved VP-F, onto the Finance Tools Support & Education Team (FTSE)! It was an arduous application process as she had to condense her extensive Finance knowledge, onto two pages. Yep that's right, only two pages!

She's on as a senior team member, where she will take responsibility for tasks like the analysis of the global budget survey, and developing and promoting national level financial tools. CONGRATULATIONS KRISTINA!!!

To our surprise, we found another Australian on the FTSE! Dino... TEDDY BEAR!!! The VP-F from the Monash LC was selected as a junior team member! A massive congratulations to Dino!!! Dino will be gathering GCPs for LC financial management and initiating discussions of the Global Finance community.

It is extremely rare to have two members of a global team from the same country. Especially given there were 31 applicants. Clearly Kristina and Dino were two absolute certainties for the team.

They join Lucy and myself, who are part of the International Ethics Sub-Committee and the Talent Management Unit, as Australians in global teams.

- Daz

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